OKM GeoSeeker Mini



  • Geoelectric water and cavity detector: Determines the ground resistance up to a depth of 100m and visualizes the measured values in 2D
  • Depth: Customers found water up to 100 meters – check our references
  • Use cases: water detection, cavity detection, geotechnical engineering
  • Operating modes: Geoelectrical scan
  • Detectable objects: water deposits, water-bearing gravel, cavities

Water detector and cavity detector up to 100 meters (328 ft) depth

Like his big brother GeoSeeker, the GeoSeeker Mini utilizes a geoelectrical measurement procedure based on Schlumberger. The water detector – that can also be used to detect underground cavities – determines the soil resistivity. Based on that apparent resistivity of the ground the detector is able to detect underground water resources like fresh water, drinking water, water-bearing gravel and groundwater level.

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